In [6]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import itertools as it
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import scipy as sp
from scipy.spatial.distance import euclidean
from datetime import datetime
%matplotlib inline
In [7]:
experiment_start = datetime(2015, 12, 23, 14, 48, 0)
experiment_end = datetime(2015, 12, 23, 16, 16, 59)
In [8]:
data_columns = ['tracker_id', 'dB', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second']
def as_datetime(x):
return datetime(x.year, x.month,, x.hour, x.minute, x.second)
def read_data(handle):
df = pd.read_csv(handle, header=None)
df.columns = data_columns
df['date'] = df.apply(lambda x:as_datetime(x), axis=1)
df = df[(df['date'] >= experiment_start) & (df['date'] <= experiment_end)]
return df
def get_id(head, tail):
Head: the first two letters of the tracker ID.
Tail: the last two letters of the tracker ID.
Both must be strings.
for t in list(tracker_ids):
header = t.split(':')[0]
tailer = t.split(':')[-1]
if header == head and tailer == tail:
return t
bt1 = read_data('bt1.csv')
bt2 = read_data('bt2.csv')
bt3 = read_data('bt3.csv')
bt4 = read_data('bt4.csv')
bt5 = read_data('bt5.csv')
bt6 = read_data('bt6.csv')
print(len(bt1), len(bt2), len(bt3), len(bt4), len(bt5), len(bt6))
In [9]:
tracker_ids = set().union(bt1.tracker_id).union(bt2.tracker_id).union(bt3.tracker_id).union(bt4.tracker_id).union(bt5.tracker_id).union(bt6.tracker_id)
tracker_ids, len(tracker_ids)
In [10]:
coords = dict()
coords['BT1'] = (49, 0) # x, y
coords['BT2'] = (-49, 0)
coords['BT3'] = (0, 49)
coords['BT4'] = (0, -1) # at x=0, y=-1
coords['BT5'] = (0, -1)
coords['BT6'] = (0, -1)
coords[get_id('F4', '06')] = (0, 0)
coords[get_id('F4', '37')] = (6, 0)
coords[get_id('68', 'DB')] = (12, 0)
coords[get_id('F4', '8C')] = (24, 0)
coords[get_id('F4', '22')] = (48, 0)
coords[get_id('F4', '1B')] = (0, 12)
coords[get_id('F4', 'EE')] = (0, 24)
coords[get_id('68', '03')] = (0, 36)
coords[get_id('68', 'FD')] = (0, 48)
In [12]:
bt1['distance'] = bt1.apply(lambda x: euclidean(coords['BT1'], coords[x.tracker_id]) if x.tracker_id in coords.keys() else None, axis=1)
bt2['distance'] = bt2.apply(lambda x: euclidean(coords['BT2'], coords[x.tracker_id]) if x.tracker_id in coords.keys() else None, axis=1)
bt3['distance'] = bt3.apply(lambda x: euclidean(coords['BT3'], coords[x.tracker_id]) if x.tracker_id in coords.keys() else None, axis=1)
bt4['distance'] = bt4.apply(lambda x: euclidean(coords['BT4'], coords[x.tracker_id]) if x.tracker_id in coords.keys() else None, axis=1)
bt5['distance'] = bt5.apply(lambda x: euclidean(coords['BT5'], coords[x.tracker_id]) if x.tracker_id in coords.keys() else None, axis=1)
bt6['distance'] = bt6.apply(lambda x: euclidean(coords['BT6'], coords[x.tracker_id]) if x.tracker_id in coords.keys() else None, axis=1)
In [14]:
In [151]:
# Gather together all of the distance measurements,
distance_measurements = dict()
for df in [bt1, bt2, bt3, bt4, bt5, bt6]:
for g, d in df.set_index('date').groupby('distance'):
if g not in list(distance_measurements.keys()):
distance_measurements[g] = pd.rolling_mean(d['dB'], window=30)
distance_measurements[g] = distance_measurements[g].append(pd.rolling_mean(d['dB'], window=30))
distance_measurements[g].reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
In [155]:
combined = pd.DataFrame()
for distance, dB in distance_measurements.items():
d = pd.DataFrame(dB)
d['distance'] = distance
combined = combined.append(d)
combined.plot(x='distance', y='dB', kind='scatter')
In [166]:
# This is the function that fits dB vs. distance
def paper_func(d, n, A):
return - (10 * n) * np.log10(d) - A
In [192]:
import pymc3 as pm
from theano import tensor
with pm.Model() as model:
n = pm.Normal('n', mu=1, sd=1)
# n = pm.Uniform('n', lower=0, upper=100)
A = pm.Normal('A', mu=70, sd=1)
# A = pm.Uniform('A', lower=0, upper=100)
sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma', beta=10, testval=1.)
likelihood = pm.Normal('dB',
mu=paper_func(combined.dropna()['distance'], n, A),
In [201]:
with model:
start = {'A':70, 'n':1, 'sigma':10}
step = pm.NUTS()
trace = pm.sample(2000, step, start=start)
In [202]:
In [203]:
combined.plot(x='distance', y='dB', kind='scatter')
for t in trace[100::30]:
plt.plot(paper_func(d=np.arange(1, 100), A=t['A'], n=t['n']))
In [ ]: